Wednesday 11 July 2012

An introduction to me

Well hello! 

Not an original start to a blog but this is my first time trying to write so please bare with me.

Not sure where to start as the beginning is too far back. The short version is that my husband and I have been trying for a baby for 10 years (i'm 43 years young) but with no luck due to several different problems (more of that on another day). I have always remained hopeful as there is no particular reason why it shouldn't work it will just be more difficult for us.

During the last few months I have been having 'tropical moments' in bed each night. I decided this was just the wrong duvet or the wrong mattress or the wrong weather.  Then I started having palpitations along with the hot flushes (must be stress). Then bleeding for longer than 'normal' sent me to see the doctor. One blood test later and I get a call telling me that it looks as though I have started the menopause (great!!) putting a stop to my hopes of ever becoming pregnant.

So right now i'm feeling old, sad, let down, useless and a huge failure as a woman and I decided that writing it down may help me get my thoughts out as talking about them leaves me tearful.

Hopefully others out there in blog world will have been through similar things and can share their thoughts too.
